Thursday, July 30, 2009


I reserve the right to say i am not a fan girl. Just a very devoted follower of FMA lol >,<
So this post, chapter, segment, thing is about my MMV's, and AMV's and what manga anime I used in them. The Bleach Pic is a added bonus.

The original version of Dengeki Daisy-In My Heart

Dengeki Daisy-In My Heart ~
I've been working on this video for the past few moths T_T pathetic I know. I started it after
I lost interest in the Lovely Complex MMV, that and A new Dengeki Daisy chapter that always gets me started with new video ideas. That lasts for a while but if i get distracted.......
~What i have so far for Dengeki Daisy-In My Heart
In this MMV
i was going to make it much like the a slide show of a sorts where as the first
there was never a repeat of the same pic. In THIS one i repeated them a lot but I put clips in between. Get it?'s my first to show the difference
Yo can see the difference......I hope. It's really flashy...and the timing is off is some place's, but I still smile like an idiot every time I watch it lol
It was fun making too.....even when i wanted to just forget I'd ever started it....that was
only once....i think..maybe.

Then there was Full Metal Alchemist-Invincible.............
Everything was fine until i realized the audio wasn't working right, i mean it played and all but if you clicked on a scene, any scene, it would play the right part of the video but the audio
would be off....I learned later that it was something to do with the audio check-mark-thing.
So since then i haven't worked on it much.....the timing is KILLING ME and all the extra flash's that i put it with out knowing that they wernt needed =_= *sighs* It is my first AMV so i guess i can't expect that much....then again i HATE watching videos that people put up and say "it's my first AMV so be nice" and crap and then the video turns out to be really, really bad and I wanna comment but i know if I do I'll end up telling them its crap and they sould spend more time working on the timing instead of putting so many effects in it. I mean it just KILLs me =.=
....reaeeeeelly ticks me off.

It is really cool to find the people who take their time and really work hard on it, and I've see a LOT of AMVs over the past 3 years and i can just tell sometimes...mostly because the editing is so complex that if you didn't take your time your sure to mess up.
through half of it lol
This is totally random.

Teru- Why can't i read it? let me see!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amiable dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you seeking your information.